
Irish Charities: Where to donate?

Posted in Category(ies): Charities

Irish Charities: Where to donate?

Here are some basic steps you can take to help you be sure your donations are going to a registered and well-governed charity.Photo by Rhiannon Elliott on Unsplash

  • Know your cause
  • Check Charity Registration
  • Review your chosen charity’s data on Benefacts
  • Read their Annual Activity Report
  • What Governance Regulations are in place?
  • Do they recognise they need to be on a Governance Journey?


Know your Cause

What do you care about and then follow your heart and your aspirationsit will mean you are more likely to be generous, and interested in staying engaged. Your chosen charity will also benefit from long term donations from you as (an interested supporter.


Check Charity Registration

First thing’s first – check that your chosen charity is on the Register of Charities before you donate.


Review your chosen Charity on Benefacts

Benefacts, a non-profit social enterprise established in 2014 is transforming accessibility and transparency of the non-profit sector in Ireland. The company provides up-to-date financial and governance data, sourced from a number of regulatory sources including the Companies Registration Office

Check your chosen charity on benefacts here and you can see their sources of funding levels of funding, income/turnover, company information (directors and length of terms), employee numbers etc. The information is presented in a neutral and impartial way and allows you judge the effectiveness of your chosen charity objectively.


Charity’s Annual Activity Report

Normally available to download on a charity’s website – a charity’s Annual Activity Report provides information that’s of interest to a number of stakeholders, including donors. A good report will provide an honest picture of what the charity is set up to do, how they use the resources available to them and their achievements.


What Governance regulations are in place?

At an absolute minimum expect to see compliance with the Charities Governance Code – (all Irish registered charities should have complied by 2020).

Charities that meet compliance in the three areas (Governance Code, Implementation of SORP and adhere to Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public) are awarded the Charities Institute “Triple Lock Award”. This is on the basis that these charities uphold the highest standards in transparent reporting, ethical fundraising and strong governance structures.


Is your chosen Charity on a Governance Journey?

We need to recognise that most charities are on a governance journey, many smaller charities with exceptionally limited resources and other hurdles are slowly implementing these changes. In these cases, look for a thoughtful strategy where the charity’s governance commitment implementation plans are clearly set out.




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No new banking facility without proof of beneficial ownership registration

Posted in Category(ies): Beneficial Ownership



We recently incorporated a new company that found itself unable to open a new banking facility until it had provided proof that it had filed on the Registry of Beneficial Ownership. This was despite the fact that it had another 5 months to file beneficial ownership details (all newly incorporated companies have 5 months from incorporation to file). Increasingly, financial institutions are making beneficial ownership part of their due diligence process so companies shouldn’t neglect to file or neglect to keep their beneficial ownership details up to date. You have been warned!


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Annual Return Date Mismatch

Posted in Category(ies): Annual Returns




Be very careful as currently the Annual Return Date for your company does not match the Annual Return Date given on the Companies Registration Office (CRO) website. Confused – you should be!


The Annual Return Date (ARD) of a company is the date up to which a company provides corporate information on itself as at a particular date year. A bit like a corporate snapshot.

Previously the CRO always gave the actual ARD for each company. Unfortunately, since the implementation of its new digital platform the CRO website is now showing the filing deadline date as if it was the actual ARD.

Let’s pretend your company’s ARD is 01.01.2021 that would give it 56 days in which to electronically file everything bringing it to 26.02.2021. Your company’s ARD is 01.01.2021 but the CRO are showing it as 26.02.2021 which is actually the filing deadline date.  


Hopefully, this mismatch will be short term as the CRO continues to resolve teething problems surrounding its new system. In the meantime, take care. Failure to file the Annual Return (and accompanying financial statements and signature page) carries, at a minimum, the imposition of a late filing fee and loss of audit exemption.

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Annual Return Deadline extended to 9th December 2021

Posted in Category(ies): Annual Returns



The Registrar of the Companies Registration Office has made an unexpected decision to extend the current filing deadline for Annual Returns from 25th November to 9th December.

The decision to extend the deadline was in recognition of the difficulties experienced by some accountancy firms in meeting the 25th November deadline resulting from the evolving Covid-19 situation.

The extension is a welcome and practical recognition of the difficulties faced by so many of us as we all continue to juggle the practicalities of working in an ever-changing office / home / hybrid environment.


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ANNUAL RETURNS – Deadlines extended – AGAIN!

Posted in Category(ies): Annual Returns

ANNUAL RETURNS – Deadlines extended – AGAIN!


At this point even I am not sure how many extensions have been given for filing Annual Returns in the Companies Registration Office!. The latest extension for filing is thanks to both the Level 5 restrictions and challenges within the Companies Registration Office (CRO) as it adjusts to its new IT system.


The upshot is that any company with an Annual Return Date (ARD) of 30th September 2020 or later does not have to file the original signature page in the CRO until 28th May 2021 (previous extension was to 26.02.2021).


Personally, I would urge all companies to try and file on time regardless. It is too easy to think that the deadline is so far away there is plenty of time. Think again, it is hard to manage diaries, deadlines, client expectations and life working from home. Are you absolutely sure that you will remember to file a 2020 Annual Return in May 2021?


The new IT system in the CRO requires a company to electronically file the Annual Return and Financial Statements at the same time. Previously some companies relied on being able to file the Annual Return and worry about having the Financial Statements ready for filing later. Clearly this is no longer an option.


At the very least check the Financial Statements are in hand and are available in pdf ready for electronic filing with the Annual Return.


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Hallowe’en Heebee Jebbies!

Posted in Category(ies): Annual Returns


Forget Nightmare on Elm Street and Freddy Krueger we can have sleepless nights with the old reliable “Nightmare of the Annual Return”. Not sure anyone would call it a classic but, it is certainly a reliable annual event.

This year is different though as the filing sequence and deadline dates have changed.

Companies with an Annual Return Date (ARD) of 30th September must electronically file both the Annual Return and Financial Statements in the Companies Registration Office before the signature page can be generated. Once the signature page has been issued the company must ensure it is completed and electronically filed in the Companies Registration Office no later than 25th November.

OK, maybe not quite in the same league as Freddy Krueger after all but, definitely up there for stress. Don’t let your filing deadline turn into a slasher movie for your company. File and sign with the bonus it can all be done online.

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Companies can continue to convene meetings virtually

Posted in Category(ies): Meetings



The impact of the Companies (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Covid-19) Act 2020 has simplified some corporate activities for company directors and company secretaries.   Extending the terms of the Act to 31.12.2021 means that companies can continue to convene general meetings virtually. The extension is welcome both as a practical and as a pragmatic solution for all concerned.

Practically trying to organise a General Meeting when working from home is a bit of nightmare. When the virtual option was originally introduced Ireland was in lockdown, venues were closed, and company directors and employees were working from home. Convening a General Meeting virtually meant that everyone could take part safely from their own home provided they had access to broadband.

Extending the ability to convene a General Meeting virtually to year end is a pragmatic response to the current reality. Wonderfully lockdowns have stopped, restrictions eased, and vaccinations are well in hand. However, the ability to access indoor venues and enable people to safely attend in person whilst remaining within the terms of Government public health advice is not possible.

The only problem remaining is my personal antipathy to technology, a problem that is beyond any Government intervention!


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Posted in Category(ies): Companies Registration Office



One of the potentially exciting effects of the CRO moving to a new digital platform later this month is that it will no longer be necessary to file original signature pages for Company Incorporations or Annual Returns.

Company Incorporations

The ability to replace the necessity to file original or wet signature pages when incorporating a company is particularly welcome as it should help to substantially speed up the overall incorporation process.


Annual Returns

The changes for filing Annual Returns will be twofold.

  1. Signatures pages for Annual Returns will no longer be posted to the CRO, instead they will be submitted electronically via ROS or scanned pdf.
  2. The filing deadline for submitting both the Annual Return and Financial Statements will be 56 days (replacing the current deadlines of 28 days to file the Annual Return with a further 28 days to file the Financial Statements).


There will be a lot to get used to for all users of the CRO but, if the new system lives up to expectations then the short term pain of getting to grips with all the changes should be well worthwhile.

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Posted in Category(ies): Companies Registration Office


The Companies Registration Office (CRO) is finally implementing its long-anticipated digital transformation this month. Basically, the current digital platform used by the CRO will cease to operate on 11.12.2020, and there will be no crossover once the new digital platform is launched on 16.12.2020.

The key dates relating to the digital transformation process are as follows.


*   7th December                                Final date for receipt of original signature pages for any forms electronically filed under

                                                         the current system

*   10th December                              Final date for receipt of electronically signed forms relating to Charges

*   11th December                              CRO will begin transition to new system

*   16th December                              CRO will launch new system


It will not be possible to access, search or electronically file documents in the CRO whilst the transition is put into effect between 11th to 16th December.



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