
Definition of a Charity Board Succession Plan

Posted in Category(ies): Charities


 Definition of a Charity Board Succession Plan

A board succession plan is a document that sets out the process to be followed when a Charity Trustee resigns. It’s very useful to prepare for when a Trustee’s term limit is coming up or when a Trustee departs unexpectedly. The Charity Regulatory advise that a Trustee’s term should be no more than 9 years. They have recently issued excellent guidelines on Trustee Term Limits and Succession Planning, click here.

  1. Induction

  • Induction should aim to introduce a new Trustee to the organisation, aims, values and provide an overview of the challenges its facing.

  • Understand their legal duties, responsibilities and personal liability.

  • A visit to the Charity and meet staff, volunteers, beneficiaries (if possible) and Trustees.

  • Provide an induction pack, to include set of financial statements, recent minutes, copy of strategic plan and budgets etc. Further information on an Induction Pack from Charity Regulatory Authority here.


Check out the Charity Regulatory Authority Guidance on Induction and Recruitment here


2. Identify Skills Required

This will vary, most charities will need Financial expertise for example. You will need to consider the experience you need, for example do you employ staff? If so, you will probably need HR expertise and support etc. This exercise is very helpful when you’re considering new Trustees


3. Skills Matrix

Circulate the Skills Matrix and ask your Trustees to complete (tick under the skills-sets they already have). You will find that there is a broad variety of skills and experience amongst the Board. Once this exercise is completed, you can easily identify the “gaps” which will help pinpoint the exact set of skills you’re looking for.


4. Review

Periodically review the Induction Process (with feedback from Trustees) and also periodically review the Skills Matrix, which will need to be adapted with the needs of your charity and Trustee changes etc.



The Charity Regulatory Authority have excellent resources available on their website, links are below.

Succession Planning click here

Induction Pack Checklist click here. Induction and recruitment click here

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Check Yourself – Corporate Health

Posted in Category(ies): Boards




Everywhere we turn there seem to be advertisements advising us to check our personal health for this that and the other. No doubt all excellent advice but do we ever take time to check our corporate health as directors? It seems to me getting either one wrong will impact on us all to some extent.


There are no blood pressure cuffs when it comes to corporate health but there are a few checks we as director can all do to at least get started.


  • Management accounts – should be circulated and read by Directors on a regular basis.

  • Board meetings – should be held at least quarterly where Directors consider the overall direction of the company and do not get bogged down with the nitty gritty which is the role of the Management Team.

  • Chairperson – how is that role managed by the Board and by the Chairperson. He/she should be capable of ensuring all participants have an opportunity to be heard, and that meetings do not run on for ages. Unfortunately, we have all been at meetings where certain individuals like to hear their own voice no matter the relevance of their words.

  • Risk Register – does your company have one, and if not why not? A Risk Register (properly managed and regularly reviewed) can save an awful lot of headaches. For example, if you have a supply contract that has to be renewed annually you need to be able to negotiate this ahead of time and not after the event.

  • Insurance – when were the company insurance policies last reviewed and at what level of detail. It is always surprising how little directors know about insurance cover even on a basic level such as whether or not they are covered under their own company’s director and officer liability insurance.


  • Statutory filings – does the Board have a timetable of statutory filings even covering basic things such as filings with the Revenue Commissioners – Companies Registration Office – Central Registry of Beneficial Ownership.


Having the basics in place can help to ensure issues are dealt with in a timely manner with minimum fuss. Now don’t tell me that doesn’t help keep your blood pressure down!



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Rectifying Statutory Registers and filings

Posted in Category(ies): Company Registers


The onus to ensure Statutory Registers are accurately maintained in a timely manner is a given but what happens if you make a mistake?


Mistakes happen and can usually be rectified. It is important to remember that if you have to rectify Statutory Registers you are more than likely going to have to rectify information already filed in the Companies Registration Office. (CRO).


Depending on what the mistake is and when it occurred you have to consider how to rectify it in a timely manner. For example, suppose you find a mistake today where in 2020 an allotment of 50,000 shares was incorrectly recorded as an allotment of 500 shares what do you do? There are a number of things to consider such as those outlined below.

  • Form B5 – form filed in the CRO noting allotment of shares. To amend the figure from 500 to 50,000 prepare and file a Form B42A.

  • Form B1 – Annual Return filed in the CRO which provides a snapshot of the company on a particular date. Check everything to do with the shares (share class, total number, and members) provided in each Annual Return filed from 2020 to date. If any of the information needs to be amended prepare and file Forms B1B for each of the relevant years.

  • Financial Statements – check if mistake impacts on financial statements. Financial Statements cannot be amended once they have been approved and signed by the Directors but, you should contact the Accountant/Auditor to notify them of the error so they can advise on what actions may be required when preparing the next set of Financial Statements.

  • Board Minute – it would be appropriate for the Directors to note at a Board Meeting that a mistake had been made and all necessary steps had been taken to rectify the situation.


I know the phrase “to err is human to forgive is divine” but there is no divinity when it comes company law. Sweeping a mistake under the carpet never works. Once a mistake has been identified take appropriate advice to ensure it is dealt with promptly and fairly.

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Charities – Register of Beneficial Ownership

Posted in Category(ies): Charities

Background (Legislative)

All Irish companies are required by legislation (which came into effect in November 2016) to establish and maintain a “Register of Beneficial Owners”. This includes charities and non-profits which are “Companies Limited by Guarantee” (CLGs). This blog is written specifically for charities which are “CLGs”. 

Purpose of Central Register

The purpose of the Central Register is to provide a central register of beneficial ownership of companies and industrial and provident societies. 

Who has access to the Central Register?

The Central Register can be accessed by:

  • Criminal Assets Bureau;

  • Revenue Commissioners

  • Gardai Síochána

  • Office of Director of Corporate Enforcement

  • General Public (a Beneficial Ownership Report can be requested) 

How to identify Beneficial Owner?

Definition of a beneficial Owner

“any natural person who ultimately owns or controls a legal entity through direct or indirect ownership of a sufficient percentage of the shares or voting rights or ownership interest in the relevant entity, or through control via other means”.

However, charities who are CLGs, don’t have beneficial owners in the conventional sense. The assets of the charity are held for its charitable purpose and the charity is run for the benefit of its beneficiaries. All CLGs are still legally obliged to submit the prescribed information to the Central Register. They are also required to hold an internal “Register of Beneficial Ownership”. The definition does not take into account that “ownership” or voting rights and so forth are solely for the benefit of the beneficiaries of the charity (it’s charitable purpose) and not in the interests of individual members.

Consequently, your charity needs to interpret this definition to establish how the legislation applies to and which individuals need to be classified.

The legislation determines that an “ownership” of over 25% defines a beneficial owner. Members of a CLG are determined to be the owners as they exercise control over the CLG by way of their right to vote at AGMs.

Three Members or less

Members are likely to qualify as “beneficial owners” if a CLG (charity) has three or less members. This is because each member has more than 25% of the voting rights. In this instance, details of the three members must be submitted to the Central Register and recorded on the company’s Internal Register of Beneficial Ownership.

Four Members or more

Most charities which are CLGs, have four or more members. The charity must diligently review whether there any individual (s) exercise indirect or direct voting rights or control over the charity. Check your Constitution and any other legal agreements in place to clarify membership). If any individual, other than a member or a senior managing official exercises control, they need to be recorded as a “Beneficial Owner”. The charity may not be able to identify a beneficial owner (having checked the Constitution and other agreements), because there are four or more members or control and voting rights are not exercised by other individuals.

In the majority of instances however, CLGs need to file prescribed information on their “Senior Managing Officials” on the Central Register of Beneficial Ownership and on an Internal Register of Beneficial Ownership. 

A Senior Managing Official includes the Directors and the Chief Executive Officer. 

Details to be filed on the Central Register

The prescribed information required for each Managing Official:


Residential Address

Nationality Date of Birth

PPS Number

Nature and extent of the Interest held or control exercised (an opportunity to record the charitable status of the CLG)

Date the individual was added to the Register

Date of cessation on the Register

PPS number entered in the RBO portal must match the name as registered on their PPSN with the Department of Employment and Social Protection. The information is not verified against the Revenue Commissioners records. For example: “Paddy” might be recorded with DEASP as “Pat”, Patrick” etc

You can ring DEASP at 1890 927 999 to check the exact name you’re registered with DEASP (for PPSN)

In the unlikely event a Managing Official does not have a PPS number, they are required to complete a BEN2 Form (to verify their identity) which must be legally authenticated. Further information on BEN2 is here

Maintain up-to-date details on the Central Register

It’s critical to keep the information up-to-date. Any changes to the Beneficial Owners must be recorded on the Central Register and also on the charity’s Internal Register of Beneficial Ownership.

Penalties for non-compliance

Legal entities (charities not exempt) who do not file are guilty of an offence and be liable on summary conviction to a Class A fine of up to €5,000 and on conviction on indictment to a fine of up to €500,000.

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Companies Registration Office – Marching On!

Posted in Category(ies): Companies Registration Office




March has been an active month for the Companies Registration Office (CRO) as it continues upgrading and improving its online portal.


With over 250,000 companies incorporated in Ireland it is good to see online filing options increase, e.g. changes to Constitution, documentation on mortgages and debentures. The enactment of the Companies (Rescue Process for Small and Micro Companies) Act 2021 (SCARP) has also seen a significant rise as the Act mandates specifically for online filing. Mandating online filing only is an interesting development and one that would not have been popular (or arguably possible) a few years ago.


The CRO portal is due for a further upgrade and once that has been completed it is anticipated the Central Register of Beneficial Ownership will be next. Although separate websites set up under separate legislation they remain indelibly linked in the minds of the public.


The Central Register of Beneficial Ownership is just that – a register providing details of beneficial ownership. It is worth remembering that members listed on Annual Returns filed in the CRO will not necessarily be reflected as beneficial owners. This is particularly evident for a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG) where filing in the Central Register of Beneficial Ownership for this company type depends on the number of members.

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Virtual AGM’s still allowed in 2023

Posted in Category(ies): Meetings


The Companies (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Covid-19) Act came into being during the Pandemic when restrictions on travel within Ireland, flights into Ireland and inability to attend public gatherings led to fairly substantial practical problems for many companies. The implementation of the Act resolved some of those problems not least being the ability for a company to convene its Annual General Meeting virtually.

In December 2022 the Government announced the extension of some parts of the Act to the end of this year (31.12.2023). In particular, certain company meetings (including Annual General Meetings) can still be held virtually. This will be welcome news to many companies who prefer this format although there is nothing to stop a company holding a physical meeting if they wish to do so.

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Charities Are your Trustee Details up-to-date with the Charity Regulator?

Posted in Category(ies): Charities


All charities must ensure that details are up-to-date and accurate with the Register of Charities. Trustees are legally obliged to ensure information on the Register of Charities is accurate.


If you are a charity Trustee, you can check the register very easily, click on this link, enter the name of your charity, click onto the charity name when prompted and click the “People” tab. There you will see the names of Trustees, appointment date and years of service.


Check with your charity, that the contact details recorded for you are correct.. The Charity Regulatory uses the information recorded to communicate essential information, if they don’t have the relevant contact details you are missing out on important guidance and correspondence from them.


In their last ezine, the Charity Regulator requested all Trustees to check and update if necessary. To do this log into your MyAccount and check that the following details are correct:

  • Registered postal address

  • Email address

  • Telephone number


    If you’re having any issues, you phone the Charity Regulatory Authority 0818 927999 or email info@charitiesregulator.ie., their phone lines are manned Monday to Friday between 11am-3pm


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Fiduciary Duties most often forgotten

Posted in Category(ies): Directors



Change of address – in our experience this is one of the most neglected areas of compliance. Directors and Company Secretaries are notoriously forgetful when it comes to notifying any change in address.


Location of statutory registers – failure to notify current location of statutory registers, in our experience, primarily occurs where the Company Secretary is an individual and is less likely to occur when the Company Secretary is a corporate body. Perhaps it is a case of out of sight, out of mind!


Appointing a Director – is there a checklist in place when appointing a Director? A common mistake is not checking the Company’s Constitution. A Constitution may contain a clause declaring the minimum and maximum number of directors in the company. The Company may also have a Shareholders Agreement in place which could also include a minimum/maximum number of Directors.   Companies with both a Constitution and Shareholders Agreement need to ensure the minimum/maximum number is the same in both documents.


All of the above can be managed by ensuring the relevant statutory registers are current, changes are filed in the Companies Registration Office and (if applicable) in the Central Register of Beneficial Ownership.


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Easter Eggs really!

Posted in Category(ies): Latest News

Easter eggs don’t just mean eggs for Easter anymore now social media refers to Easter Eggs to mean an intentional inside joke or hidden message. Hard to equate an intentional joke with company law. Mind you there will always be a rarefied few who consider compliance with company law a joke but that is another kettle of fish. 


Compliance is hard for most people, what to comply with and why, particularly when trying to do so whilst carrying out our “actual” job. Compliance though is part of our “actual” job and should form part of an on-going continuous process in any organisation.


To have compliance enter your company’s lexicon can start from something as simple as an Agenda item for the next Board Meeting.


  • Have compliance an Agenda item for discussion at every Board Meeting.

  • Agree top five compliance issues or concerns and start knocking them off one by one.

  • Consider appointing one person to lead the compliance processes in your company.

  • Types of compliance issues could include any of the following.

  • Anti-Money laundering legislation – when is the last time a review was undertaken on how your company manages AML?

  • Risk Register – does your company have one, when was it last reviewed by the Directors at an actual meeting?

  • Beneficial Ownership – a company must maintain an internal statutory register of beneficial ownership whilst ensuring it also files and continues to update filings with the Central Register of Beneficial Ownership.

  • Statutory Registers – are they all current and have you cross-checked with statutory filing in the Companies Registration Office.

  • Constitution / Shareholder Agreement – when was your Constitution last reviewed, and does it run in tandem with the Shareholder Agreement or, as is often the case, do they have contradicting clauses?

  • Policies – what policies are in place, when were they last reviewed? The horrific invasion of Ukraine sparked most companies to review EU Sanctions Policies which has, in turn, focused the attention of Directors, Managers on Staff on Ethics & Sanctions in a manner that could never have been imagined possible before.


Don’t try and do it all at once, make a start, keep up the momentum and then you can go and buy an actual real Easter Egg. I hope you will all have a fabulous Easter with or without an egg!


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This New Year is exceptional …..

Posted in Category(ies): Latest News


This New Year is exceptional bringing with it a New Beginning for us all.


I hope that this New Year will enable us all to start to understand and come to terms with the impact of the past two years, enable us all to find our own individual path away from the Pandemic, and have the strength to deal with whatever lies in our futures in 2022.


Companies in 2022 will continue to face the pressures of reacting quickly not just to the Pandemic but now to the seemingly overnight transformation wrought by the recent lifting of so many restrictions.


On a perhaps more mundane level the Government recently announced its legislative programme for 2022 listing 44 Bills to be drafted and published in 2022. The 44 Bills range over virtually every aspect of public, private and corporate life. For companies though perhaps the Bills of most interest will be

  • Competition (Amendment) Bill

  • Protected Disclosures Bill

  • Co-op Societies Bill

  • Limited Partnership Bill

  • Communications (Data Retention and disclosure) Bill

  • Cybercrime Bill

  • Charities Amendment Bill

  • Right to Remote Working Bill


The Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement will soon be transformed into the Corporate Enforcement Authority by the Companies (Corporate Enforcement Authority) Act 2021 signed into law on 22.12.2022 and expected to be commenced any day now. It will be interesting to see how the once familiar ODCE will operate and be judged as it morphs into the Corporate Enforcement Authority.

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