Avoid Company Strike-Off: CRO Enforcement is Back in Action

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Company Secretarial Services | Corporate Governance | Compliance Tel: +353 (0) 505 34101 Email: vgeraghty@komsec.ie  


Irish businesses face a critical compliance deadline as the Companies Registration Office (CRO) and Register of Beneficial Ownership (RBO) aggressively pursue company strike-offs.

The latest CRO Gazettes details the first companies targeted under this intensified campaign, specifically those incorporated in July 2024 who failed to meet their 5-month RBO filing deadline.

These companies are now receiving 14-day warning notices. The consequences of strike-off are severe, including directors losing limited liability, facing personal debt liability, and potential disqualification, with company assets reverting to the state.

Immediate action is essential to ensure compliance and avoid this fate, particularly by reviewing and updating RBO filings and general CRO compliance.

We understand compliance can be complex. Feel free to contact us for guidance and help.

Involuntary Strike Off – Some Questions Answered

Posted in Category(ies): Strike Off
Company Secretarial Services | Corporate Governance | Compliance Tel: +353 (0) 505 34101 Email: vgeraghty@komsec.ie  


We’ve put together some of the most commonly asked  questions  from clients in relation to Involuntary  Strike Off.


What is an Involuntary Strike-off?

This means the Companies Registration Office (CRO) strike a company off the Register and technically, the Company no longer exists.

We aren’t trading, can I just let the Companies Registration Office do the strike-off and save myself money?

Don’t be tempted! You run the risk of prosecution and Director Disqualification.  

Can the Company continue trading if the company has been involuntary struck-off?

No, and there can be very serious repercussions for companies that continue to trade while struck off.

How are Companies Registration Office dealing with non-compliance?

The CRO confirmed in October 2017 they are introducing a programme of prosecutions for companies who are late with filing. Frequent late filers are likely to be targeted first.

What are the fines for late filing?

  •          CRO late filing fees, are capped at €1,200 per Annual Return.
  •          Directors risk being disqualified for up a period of 5 years.
  •          If convicted; the maximum fine is €5,000 and/or up to 6 months imprisonment per offence.

What do I do if I get a summons?

You will have to appear in Court, pay any outstanding penalties and bring your filings up to date.

What other Grounds are there for Strike-off besides Late Filing:

The CRO can strike off a Company because of liquidator related issues, if request by Revenue and where no company directors are on record in the CRO.                                                 

What is the process for Involuntary Strike off?

The process takes a few months, CRO first a reminder, followed by a statutory notice, and then publishes notices in the CRO Gazette. If after all these stages, relevant filings and fines are not paid – the company is dissolved.

Is it possible to have a company restored to the register after involuntary strike-off?

It is possible to have a Company restored to the Register, but this can be very costly exercise, especially if an application to the High Court is necessary.  You also need to factor in the costs of paying late filing fees, filing outstanding Annual Returns and Financial Statements. 


Ensure Annual Returns are filed on time to avoid involuntary strike-off and unnecessary fines.


If you have any questions on any aspect of striking off your Company please free to contact either Van Geraghty or Kathryn Maybury at KomSec Limited on +353 1 210 7595 or email your enquiry to info@komsec.ie.