The Companies Act 2014 states that the duties of a Company Secretary are delegated to the position by the Directors.
Basically, this means that the Directors must ensure the Company Secretary is capable of doing the job. A standard test would be to consider:
has the individual acted for three of last five years as Company Secretary;
is the individual a member of a recognised body; or
appears capable of discharging the duties.
Directors must also ensure that the Company Secretary has the skills but, also resources necessary to discharge his/her duties as Company Secretary.
The duties of a Company Secretary can be fairly standard regardless of the size of the Company such as outlined below.
Prepare, issue and file statutory forms in the Companies Registration Office.
File changes on beneficial ownership with the Central Register of Beneficial Ownership.
Maintain Statutory Registers – includes Registers of Directors, Allotments, Transfers, Members, Charges, etc.
Attend and minute Meetings, and maintain Minute Books.
Assist Directors to comply with their duties.
Acting as named Company Secretary.
Just remember if the company only has one Director that sole Director may not also act as named Company Secretary.